
Derphog's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 272 (From 54 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 4,640 Points

Stealing the Diamond

Medals Earned: 9/11 (285/435 points)

BUNP 5 Points

I TOLD you dog!

It's a Joke Guys 5 Points

I did it on purpose...

01100010 10 Points

6d 69 73 73 69 6e 67 6e 6f 0d 0a

Like a D6 10 Points

Lose 6 points

Aggressive Ending 50 Points

Win the aggressive way

Epic Ending 50 Points

Win the epic way

Undetected Ending 50 Points

Win the undetected way

Obscure Medal 100 Points

You know you want this medal

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Failtastic 50 Points

Fail 55 times

Fail Champion 100 Points

Watch all 40 unique fails


Medals Earned: 4/9 (55/330 points)

LEVEL 2 10 Points

Beat level 1!

LEVEL 3 10 Points

Beat level 2!

LEVEL 4 10 Points

Beat level 3!

LEVEL 5 25 Points

Beat level 4!

LEVEL 6 25 Points

Beat level 5!

LEVEL 7 50 Points

Beat level 6!

LEVEL 8 50 Points

Beat level 7!

LEVEL 9 50 Points

Beat level 8! So close!

LEVEL 10 100 Points

Beat the game by beating level 9! :D

Super Mario BP Oil Spill

Medals Earned: 2/11 (15/285 points)


Allow a fish to die and plug his own hole.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

GLUG GLUG 10 Points

Destroy at least eight blowfish in a single game with other dead blowfish.

SUCKER 10 Points

Make a diver accidentally swim into a mine.

BLOW ME 25 Points

Kill at least eight BP divers in a single game with dead blowfish.


Destroy at least eight mines in a single game with dead blowfish.


Last long enough to destroy BP and Tony Hayward on his yacht.


Get a single Bullet Bill torpedo to kill two BP divers.

AQUAMAN 50 Points

Survive long enough to destroy BP and Tony Hayward without dying.


Kill no divers or submarines, but still destroy the BP oil rig in a single game.


Kill at least five submarines in a single game.

Super Mario Loops

Medals Earned: 2/46 (15/500 points)

Fruity Loops 5 Points

Yes, all the graphcis were made with FL Studio

FL Studio Stop Motion 10 Points

Just play My stop motion made with Fruity Loops

Cat Head 5 Points

Get the cat head

Arcade 10 Points

win 1st Toad House

Arcanoid 10 Points

win 1st level on 1st Toad House

Asteroids 10 Points

Win Level 5

Axe 10 Points

Kill Bowser and get the Axe

Bad Piggy 10 Points

Win Level 2

Big Heart 10 Points

Fill your heart container

Bowser 10 Points

Kill Bowser

Castle Souvenir 10 Points

Win the Last Castle

Cherry 10 Points

Get the Cherry

Duck Hunt 10 Points

Play Duck Hunt

Flappy Bird 10 Points

Win Level 3

Flappy Hunt 10 Points

Hit Flappy Bird

Flappy Tube 10 Points

win 1st part of level 4

Free 10 Points

Free a soul

Ghost Buster 10 Points

Break the Ghostbuster seal

Ghost Coins 10 Points

Get all the Ghost Coins

Ghost House 10 Points

Win the Ghost House

Happy NES 10 Points

just Play Duck Hunt

Link 10 Points

Win First Castle

Mario Coins 10 Points

Get all the coins from Level 1

Memory Card 10 Points

Match all the Toad Memory Cards

Nyan the Cat 10 Points

Get 10 Sweet Points

Onion Twins 10 Points

Find the Onions

Pac Man 10 Points

Win Level 4

Red Angry Bird 10 Points

Find the Red Angry Bird

Rupees 10 Points

Get 10 Ruppes

Ship 10 Points

Find your ship

Skulltula Tokens 10 Points

Find the Skulltula Tokens

Space Invaders 10 Points

Get Space Invaders on Toad House

Strawberry 10 Points

Get the Coins on Level 3

Super Mario Loops 10 Points

Win level 1

Underwater coins 10 Points

Get all underwater coins from level 5

Yellow Angry Bird 10 Points

Find and hit the Yellow Angry Bird

Yoshi Coins 10 Points

Find the 3 Yoshi coins on Level 2

Yoshi Egg 10 Points

Find the Yoshi Egg

Duck Hunt Perfect 25 Points

Get 10 ducks

Piece of cake 25 Points

Get 25 Mario coins on 2nd Toad House

Super Money 50 Points

Get 100 Mario coins on 2nd Toad House

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

The Best Game Ever Made

Medals Earned: 2/12 (15/295 points)

Good Decision 5 Points

Decide to play the game.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Disco Inferno 10 Points

Visit the disco zone three times because you love to dance.

Impatient 10 Points

Try to bribe Big Frank too early.

Table Groper 10 Points

Try to grab all the tables.

Carpet Thief 25 Points

Collect a piece of fine carpet when your boss isn't looking.

Chatterbox 25 Points

Talk to every potential inventory item before collecting it.

Oblivious 25 Points

Give your presentation while Gilda is topless.

Dead 50 Points

Figure out the only way to die in the game.

Workaholic 50 Points

Finish the game in under 2 minutes.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

The Bester Game Ever Made

Medals Earned: 4/16 (50/455 points)

Good Call 5 Points

Choose to play this amazing game of ours that makes you feel better about the world you live in.

Fonz Whisperer 10 Points

Discover the hidden thoughts of The Fonz.

Sorry Wilson 10 Points

Lose Wilson too early.

Afterlife Affection 25 Points

Get a hug from the ghost... and die in the process.

Armed & Dangerous 10 Points

Find a spare set of arms

Comedy Gold 10 Points

Get your hands on the funniest dinosaur joke you've heard in ages.

I Have Crabs! 10 Points

Prove you're a genius by figuring out how to capture the crab.

Bob Buddy 25 Points

Solve all of Sunburned Bob's problems.

Eye For Value 25 Points

Catch some poop before it lands on the ocean floor.

Snowcone Savior 25 Points

Save the day with the power of a delicious snowcone.

Talkative 50 Points

Talk to at least 25 different things in the game.

Dino Master 100 Points

Beat the entire game.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Wall Roller

Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/215 points)

4 Levels 5 Points

Complete 4 levels.

8 Levels 10 Points

Complete 8 levels.

12 Levels 25 Points

Complete 12 levels.

16 Levels 25 Points

Complete 16 levels.

20 Levels 50 Points

Complete 20 levels.

24 Levels 100 Points

Complete 24 levels.

Where's Derpy?

Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/60 points)

Oops, my bad! 5 Points

Destroy the town hall in the final level.

Golden Derp 10 Points

Complete the game!

Nom 5 Points

Find 16 muffins!

NomNom 5 Points

Find 32 muffins!

Attention Horse 10 Points

Find Lyra (or her sister) in 10 of the levels!

Muuuffiiiins! 25 Points

Find 48 muffins!

Where's Derpy? 2

Medals Earned: 4/8 (35/145 points)

NomNom 5 Points

Find 48 muffins!

Nom 10 Points

Find 24 muffins!

Red Button 10 Points

Derpy loves to press red buttons!

Too Many Derpy Hooves 10 Points

Find the Mirror Pool so Derpy can go for a swim!

Alicornication 10 Points

Find Derpy's horn and turn her into an Alicorn Princess!

Attention Horse 25 Points

Find Lyra in 11 of the levels!

Derpylicious! 25 Points

Complete the game.

Omnomnom! 50 Points

Find 72 muffins!

Windows 0002

Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)

You booted the OS! 5 Points

You clicked play! You are so amazing!